Tuesday December 12 2023
—Palestinians, like all people, deserve to live a life of beauty, peace, love and serenity.Riso Print, A5, London College of Communication. 

After trying to communicate how I am feeling in this moment, all I can offer is a simple statement. Although not at all enough, it is a reminder that is needed for many. 

Sunday February 12 2023
—When the sun goes away, we paint the sky “Kur dielli të ikë, do ta pikturojmë qiellin” — Photo taken in November 2022 in Prishtina, Kosovo. 

After a trip to visit a loved one in Prishtina, one can’t help but to fall in love with the place. Grainy images of rainy Prishtina in black and white are a beautiful reminder of the pace and poetry of the city. 

Monday October 3 2022
My art at 5 years old — Young people create with such freedom. Here’s to remembering how bright we once were and finding that nature again.


Monday September 12 2022
Look closer to home— After weeks and weeks of searching, I’ve realised I need to look closer to home. I look forward to being taken in by what I’m used to. You don’t always have to go far away to make a change. You don’t always have to aim for what’s far away to reach your goal. Maybe what you need is already on your doorstep.

A difficult year of design opportunity searching, where I realised that I have to start nurturing where I am.

Reinspire, Readjust, Regain.


Monday June 20 2022
Cycles: Lost, Found. Lost, Found — Embrace the cycle of lost, found, lost, found. It becomes easier if you remember the constants.


Monday June 6 2022
 — Change, Fidelity, Representation — Why do we resist change so adamantly?

We who differ, reserve the right to occupy stories and roles which were never intended for us. We reserve the right to be wholly and unyieldingly unfaithful to stories which did not ever consider us in the first place. And of course, we also reserve the right to make new stories and worlds for ourselves which go beyond that which they could ever imagine.